Since blog isn't a homework for this weekend, I'll just put up some phrases from an animation.
1. やっばり: Just as I thought
2. もちろん: Of course, Sure
3. あぶない: dangerouse
2007년 10월 29일 월요일
2007년 10월 19일 금요일
わしりどた:I forgot
やれやれ:Oh, well.
あてるばいじ:Of course.
おだいじに:Take care.
ごげんしなわよ:I won't take easy on you.
One thing I am concerned with jotting phrases down as I watch animations is that I wouldn't be able to find out if I write down the right pronunciation...
わしりどた:I forgot
やれやれ:Oh, well.
あてるばいじ:Of course.
おだいじに:Take care.
ごげんしなわよ:I won't take easy on you.
One thing I am concerned with jotting phrases down as I watch animations is that I wouldn't be able to find out if I write down the right pronunciation...
2007년 10월 1일 월요일
Individual Goal
My goal is to be completely familiarized with the grammars and vocabs up to chapter 14 (which is going to be our last chapter of the semester.) Language is something that requires a constant review not to forget what you have learned. Therefore, I am planning to go over the previous chapters once a week. Also, I have a hobby of watching Japanese animations, so whenever I watch them, I will try to jot down some useful expressions in my mind, so I can have a better conversation skills in Japanese. I plan to watch one episode a week, and three phrases per episode. Otherwise, I don't have an ambitious goal.
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